Thursday, May 22, 2008

Christian Howarth

Two jobs you've had since high school
1. NDOP Correctional Officer K-9 handler
2. USPS Letter Carrier

Your top 2 accomplishments since 1990
1. Divorced twice with NO KIDS!
2. I'm still alive.

Your 2 favorite memories of high school
1. Graduating
2. Leaving early

Your 2 favorite teachers
1. Howard Bennett
2. Linda Tillson

Top 2 classmates you have kept contact with.
1. Thomas Sabol
2. John Thompson (I ran into him once)

Two things you've done since HS that you never wanted to do.
1. Get shot
2. Drove a Volvo

Two things you've done since HS that you always wanted to do.
1. Go big game fishing in Mexico
2. Moved back home to Oregon

Two places you have lived
1. California (OC)
2. Oregon (1st the Coast-now hippyville USA Eugene)

Favorite 2 vacations since HS.
1.La Paz Mexico
2.Vancouver BC

Two people you would most like to get in touch with again
1. Gary Hegarty
2. Jennifer Bowman


Janika said...

How did you survive driving a Volvo? I mean, that's rough!

thomsabol said...

the best rental car I ever drove was a Volvo c50. It was flat out fun.

Big game fishing in Mexico...sounds like a good Ernest Hemingway book.

were you shot as a letter carrier?

Janika said...

He wasn't shot as a letter carrier, that was when he was doing the shooting LOL. A friend of mine recently shot himself in the femur with a .45 hollowpoint. I'm sure that tops his list of "not to do's"

John Thompson said...

There is an old local saying: Eugene....where the men are men and so are the women. Gotta love this town. Another one is "at least I don't live in Springtucky!" (no offense to your mother-in-law Tom)